Intan Yokelson is originally from Missoula, Montana though she has spent time living all over the Western US. She earned a Master’s in Architecture from University of Colorado and Certificate in Design Build from Colorado Building Workshop in 2019, before moving back home to Missoula in 2020. While at University of Colorado, Intan participated in the design build program constructing backcountry privies on the Long’s Peak trail in Rocky Mountain National Park. The project won a 2019 AIA National Small Project Award and helped teach Intan many critical lessons about incorporating architecture into its context and the power of minimalist design. Intan incorporates her love for western landscapes into her design aesthetic and is keen to incorporate sustainable practices with quality craftsmanship and functional design.
Intan has enjoyed reacquainting herself with the outdoor activities and mountains she has loved since childhood. She currently loves rock climbing all around the West, running the peaks around town with her best friend Pan (a good ol’ hound dog), and spending time with her friends and family.